Dandelion API Archive - Crypto News Flash https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/tag/dandelion-api/ Mon, 06 Feb 2023 15:47:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cropped-favicon_128-32x32.png Dandelion API Archive - Crypto News Flash https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/tag/dandelion-api/ 32 32 Cardano: New innovation helps to grow ADA ecosystem in billion-$-market with ease and efficiency – Report https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/cardano-new-innovation-helps-to-grow-ada-ecosystem-in-billion-market-with-ease-and-efficiency-report/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cardano-new-innovation-helps-to-grow-ada-ecosystem-in-billion-market-with-ease-and-efficiency-report Mon, 06 Feb 2023 15:47:25 +0000 https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/?p=234421 Cardano Network has rolled out the Dandelion API, designed to help Cardano developers with seamless access to the Cardano blockchain.  Asides from being open source, Dandelion API by default comes with tons of benefits for developers including cost-effectiveness, among others.  Cardano has just rolled out a game changer for developers, and has dubbed it as [...]

Der Beitrag Cardano: New innovation helps to grow ADA ecosystem in billion-$-market with ease and efficiency – Report erschien zuerst auf Crypto News Flash.

  • Cardano Network has rolled out the Dandelion API, designed to help Cardano developers with seamless access to the Cardano blockchain. 
  • Asides from being open source, Dandelion API by default comes with tons of benefits for developers including cost-effectiveness, among others. 

  • Cardano has just rolled out a game changer for developers, and has dubbed it as the “Dandelion API”.  SooRaj, a Cardano educator has taken Twitter to detail the structure and use cases of Dandelion API.

    The Dandelion API is made up of a handful of APIs. They are designed for the sole purpose of simplifying smart contracts and dApps development processes.

    The Dandelion API is a developer’s dream. The tool will help developers on the Cardano network to work effortlessly while being more efficient, but there’s more. Sooraj noted.

    Dandelion API offers 2 different paths for developers to get started : A hosted instance of every available Cardano API offered as a free community service by gimbalabs and an open-source project to deploy the community service using Kubernetes (a container orchestration tool).

    Developers can immediately begin prototyping thanks to the hosted instance. And they can also use the same open-source code developed by the IOG community.

    The Dandelion project is supported by the collaborative platform Gimbalabs, and gives devs access to different layers of Cardano, by providing a large pool of APIs. Devs can use the APIs for different types of dApps and light wallets.

    Some of the API’s offered by Danelion are Ogmios-API, Cardano explorer-API, and Cardano GraphQL-API. Others include Cardano-rest/submit-API, Cardano-db-sync/postgrest-API, and Rosetta-API.

    GraphQL-API is made so that developers can gather composed information and send signed transactions to the blockchain. Cardano explorer-API and Cardano-rest/submit-API help to aid the collection of basic information from the blockchain. Devs can collect Live blockchain info from a Cardano node instance using the Ogmios-API.

    Developers can gather information directly from the blockchain and perform SQL queries, using the Cardano-db-sync/postgrest-API.

    The benefits that come with using the Dandelion API is endless

    The Dandelion API was made so it can be accessible to developers as a free community service. Because of this reason, the API is extremely cost effective. Sooraj added in another tweet.

    Its Open-source: So, developers can access the source code, make changes, and contribute to the project. And make it even better. It gives access to a Wide Range of APIs:This allows developers to choose the API that best suits their needs.

    The infrastructure is sufficient as the APIs provided to developers are easy to use. And developers can focus solely on the business side of their decentralized applications.

    Eventually, the Dandelion project will enable ways for Dandelion Node operators to contribute to a network of Dandelion instances so that the Cardano API layer is as robust as Cardano itself.

    Sooraj said, giving insight into the future of the project.

    Der Beitrag Cardano: New innovation helps to grow ADA ecosystem in billion-$-market with ease and efficiency – Report erschien zuerst auf Crypto News Flash.
